RSS21 Revolutionary Simulation Software
japanese page

Organization of the Project

"Revolutionary Simulation Software" project started at Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), the University of Tokyo as a core base toward collaboration of academic ( Graduate school of Engineering and Research into Artifacts, Center of Engineering, Univ. of Tokyo, Hokkaido Univ., Tohoku Univ. and Keio Univ.), governmental circle (National Institute of Health Science, National Institute of Materials Science), and industries (Research Organization for Information Science & Technology, Advancesoft corp.). There are about 120 researchers to carry out theory and concept design of software, to develop prototype software. On the other hand, Advancesoft corp. develops practical use software which is authorized as an incubation project of Center for Collaborative Research (CCR), the Univ. of Tokyo and makes the manual. Advancesoft corp. cooperate Industrial Committee for Promotion of Computational Engineering for operating actual analysis of our software and personalizing it to industrial world.

Organization of the Project
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