To fulfill the expected, we support the high-performance computing (HPC) manufacturing users.
The Center for Research on Innovative Simulation Software (CISS) disseminates the advanced and practical applications developed, which are incorporated into national policies and can be broadly applied to manufacturing, and trains human resources for the use and development of the simulation software.
As an example, the most recent advances achieved have been effectively communicated via a dissemination framework developed under the Strategic Programs for Innovative Research (SPIRE) "Field 4: Industrial Innovation".
Different outreach activities conducted by the CISS are available on the website.
- Newsletter
- Software running on K computers, FX10 supercomputers, and PC clusters
- HPC application by case analysis database
- Information shared through FAQs and forums
We plan to link the HPC to the Foundation for Computational Science (FOCUS) and the Industrial Committee for Supercomputing Promotion (ICSCP) to support the users and to increase their base for applications.
We set up display booths at the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis and the International Industrial Fair Kobe.
To help to handle the simulation software developed within the project promoted by the CISS, a database of knowledge and examples of calculations using it is built and is available on the website ("Computer Science Navigator" (Japanese)).
A workflow system helping to use the advanced and massively parallelized applications for research and design has been developed and is being continuously improved.